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  • +(250) 788 302 185
  • Muhima Sector, Nyarugenge

About Us

We are a profit making organization (Rwanda Federation of Transport Cooperatives) formed on 4th November 2011, reinstating former association of communal transporters (ATRACO) which represented all transport operators and supported them in organization and advocacy. Rwanda Federation of Transport Cooperatives (RFTC), whose main mission is to provide leadership, strategic guidance and coordination of cooperative unions and primary cooperatives engaged in public transport activities.

On 31 st /Oct/ 2017, RFTC formed JALI Investment Limited (JIL) as its
Investment Company to undertake all its commercial activities. We
invest in a wide range of sectors across the country mainly in
Transport, real estate and financial sector

Jali Transport

Jali Real Estate

Jali Savings and Credits

Jali Investment aims at being the leading investment company

We provide efficient and effective management services in public transport, bus park Construction and management as well as micro finance.